Enabling custom components
To get started, we need to configure our rich text block to support a component. In this example, we'll create a Tweet component and configure it to be instantiated within the body of our blog posts.
Once we've created our Tweet component, we’ll select our rich text block and check “Tweet” in the “Allowed component types“ constraint. This will expose it in our rich text’s slash command.
Now, we can do /tweet
to add a Tweet right in the body of our post. Additionally, we can use a custom component to “mark” a piece of text (like we do so when we make it bold or italic), available via the bubble menu. This is useful for adding custom popovers or tooltips to specific pieces of text.
Render them with the <RichText />
To render our custom components, we'll use <RichText />
. We’ll install basehub
via NPM, and import { RichText } from 'basehub/react'
. This component is designed to facilitate the rendering of rich text data. It's straightforward to use and works well with TypeScript.
This is a small example of how we’ll use it alongside the amazing react-tweet
to render static tweets:
import { notFound } from "next/navigate"
import { basehub } from "basehub";
import { RichText } from "basehub/react";
import { Tweet } from "react-tweet";
export default async function BlogPost({ slug }) {
const { blog } = await basehub({ next: { revalidate: 60 } }).query({
blog: {
posts: {
items: {
__args: { first: 1, __sys_slug: { eq: slug } },
_title: true,
body: {
json: {
content: true,
blocks: {
on_TweetComponent: {
__typename: true,
_id: true,
url: true,
const [entry] = blog.posts.items;
if (!entry) return notFound();
return (
TweetComponent: ({ url }) => {
return <Tweet id={new URL(u).pathname.split("/").pop()} />;
The body of the component fetches the data with basehub
, and the return
uses <RichText />
to render the data. Via components
, we pass our custom renderers. It’s important to send through the blocks
prop so that <RichText />
can match the references to the custom blocks.
This is just a quick overview of what you can do with custom blocks inside rich text. Expect more examples soon, as we ramp up our marketing and documentation efforts.
Oh, and by the way, we hope you enjoy our new Changelog!