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October 1, 2024

Copy and Paste between Repos

Streamline your workflow: effortlessly copy and paste across teams and repos within BaseHub.

Oftentimes, developers build the same schemas over and over again: blogs, documentation, programmatic pages, etc. This will make their lives easier. You can now copy any block from any repository and paste it wherever you want.

When pasting complex structures, you might encounter a document named “Support Blocks Wrapper” next to your copied block, this document contains all necessary data for the block to work. It usually contains components that are referenced or template components in use.

Kitchen Sink Template

We've built a template with common patterns that you can copy into your repo. Check it out right now:

It contains common structures that we often use to build with BaseHub. Apart from that, we added some more complex structures that can inspire you to build more custom solutions, these includes a multi-language blog, programmatic pages and more.

Working on a localized website? “Variants” are being developed right now, so you might want to wait before taking an example from the Kitchen Sink. If it serves as inspiration, then great!