Today, we’re releasing three templates, powered by Next.js and BaseHub. They are production ready—waiting for you to fork and deploy them. These templates were meticulously designed by us, with the following principles in mind:
They should be fully customizable, to your brand, and to your copywriting.
They should load fast, as the web has way too much slow websites.
They should look beautiful, so you can use them with pride.
One huge difference our templates have with other ones you might find throughout the web, is that all of the content and branding is editable via a state-of-the-art headless CMS: BaseHub.
We truly believe developers will get a big head start when starting with one of these, and they’ll also be able to extend and adapt them to their own needs.
🔶 Marketing Website Template
A sleek, modern, and fully customizable template for your next marketing website.
Check it out:
🔶 Documentation Template
A fully featured documentation website, powered by Next.js, Radix Themes, and BaseHub.
Check it out:
🔶 Help Center Template
A simple yet powerful help center website, powered by Next.js, Radix Themes, and BaseHub.
Check it out:
Create your own
Templates are not just something we create. In fact, they are powered by Public BaseHub Repositories. The full workflow is designed for you to easily create your own.
That’s right: you can create your own Public Repo, link it to your own GitHub Repo, upload featured media, add a description, and it’ll be ready for other people to use. We’re excited to see what you build!
How we got here
A lot of time passed since we’ve first set out to build Templates. We needed to put in a bunch of foundational work so that this flow made sense to us and to our users.
Additionally, as we were building them, we wanted to minimize the amount of third-party integrations developers needed to put in place. Taking Search as an example, we knew we wanted that powerful instant-search experience for our docs and help center, but we didn’t want to require developers to bring in their own Algolia/Meilisearch/Typesense accounts. That’s why we built BaseHub Search. These are some of the things we shipped along the way:
Public Repositories
At the core of our templates offering there are Public Repos. Similar to GitHub, where an incredible ecosystem emerged out of open source, we’re giving content teams the ability to make their content open.
Today, Public Repos powers all of our official templates, and enable any BaseHub user to build their own. In the future, Public Repos will enable content teams to collaborate with people external to their organization, unlocking Wikipedia levels of collaboration. The future is bright for Public Repos.
BaseHub Search
We recently launched BaseHub Search, a feature that helps developers create instant-search experiences ala Algolia for their websites.
Imagine you’re building a documentation website and choose BaseHub as your CMS. You’ll get an intuitive way to give structure to your content, and also, have that content indexed for you to create that full-text, instant-search experience your end users expect out of your docs. No need to shop for another service.
As we were building our Docs Template, we were struggling to integrate Search into it. One thing developers expect from a well-built documentation website is great search. So we built it.
Users are already taking advantage of BaseHub Search, as it’s effortless to integrate.
Read more on our changelog, or get started right away by following our docs.
BaseHub Analytics
As we were building our Help Center Template, we needed a way to get feedback from visitors (“Did this answer your question?“). We could’ve integrated with an external service, but this felt too simple of a use case to need yet another SaaS line item. We decided to build an MVP.
Today, BaseHub Analytics is integrated into all of our templates and will provides content teams with simple data points that are tied to the content. Although it’s pretty early for this feature, we’re already seeing the value ourselves, as we work on our own stuff, of having the data points within the context of the actual content.
There’s a lot to build here, so please send us your feedback and feature requests! Read more about this on our changelog.
OG Image Block
Everyone loves dynamic OG Images. The ones that Vercel uses throughout their website, powered by @vercel/og
. The thing is, writing the code for these is not as easy as it seems.
When Santiago Galán, a BaseHub user, showed us the product he was working on we instantly knew this was a game changer for OG Image editing. SharePreviews is an amazing open-source OG Image editor. We wanted that inside BaseHub, as BaseHub is already the place where content lives. If we could pair dynamic BaseHub content with the OG Image editor, we’d be golden.
So that’s exactly what we did. We collaborate closely with Santiago to build and ship the new OG Image editor within BaseHub. This now powers OG Images throughout our docs and our help center, and we can’t wait to see the beautiful images you’ll create.
Closing thoughts
We hope you give Templates a try for your next big project. They are simple to get started with, and flexible enough to adapt to your specific needs.
🔶 Marketing Website:
🔶 Documentation:
🔶 Help Center: